
National Union of Creative, Performing Artists and Allied Workers (NUCPAAW) is an umbrella organization for all Artists and their groups with a primary aim of protecting the rights of all stakeholders in the Arts Industry and act as a voice of Artists and their groups. NUCPAAW bridges the gap between their leaders and government and all operations are guided by an act of parliament established by section 62(1&2) of the Labour Union Act No.7 of 2006 to undertake various functions among which is to serve as a supervisor and link between the Art Industry, the Government, National and International Organizations in all Artistic Mutual interests.

Formed in 2006, NUCPAAW is registered in accordance with Section 18 of the Labour Union Act No. 7 of 2006 on 29th day of December, 2006 and brings together all Art Industry and it affiliates to the National Organization of Trade Union which is a tripartite to the Government, the employers and workers. It’s registered with the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development under Registration Number LU – 41 and we have more 14,953 members who spread out in the various regions of Uganda.

We are currently affiliated to the National Organization of Trade Union (NOTU) which is a tripartite to the Government, the Employers and Workers signed under the Uganda Industrial Relation Charter 1964. This was shortly after independence and it contains the principles which were agreed upon by Government, the Employers and the Labour Unions to consult and regulate the relationship between the three parties.

our vision

NUCPAAW’s Vision is a Piracy free and Copyright compliant Ugandan society to enable our members benefit from all possible creative works, Copyrights, Moral Rights, performing works, sales, , patents, Trademarks, labels and all forms of Intellectual property by Protecting our members and their works against all forms of Piracy through Lobbying, Negotiating, Organizing and Campaigning for better services and working conditions, Supporting, Influencing, Advocating and where need be Providing Services ,Listening, Advising and Taking action on behalf of our members to create and strengthen a vibrant creative and performing Industry in Uganda.

our Mission

To fully Organize, Unionize and Protect all intellectual property derived from individual and collective works and ensure that all Allied workers therein have their social and economic interests well-articulated, represented, advocated, promoted and protected by the Union through effective Representation, Lobbying and Collective Bargaining.

Objectives of the union:


The National Union of Creative, Performing Artists and Allied Workers (NUCPAAW) is a mother Union of all creative arts and workers there in.

Its scope of coverage of all members are people employed with in its scope i.e. Musicians, Dancers, Actors, Theatres, Producers, Authors, Film makers, Distributors, Artists, Radio/TV Presenters, Musical Bands, Potters, sculptors, Cultural Troupes, Rhymers, Poets, Acrobatics, Painters, Choreographers, Graphics and Fashion Designers, VJs, DJs and Allied workers employed in the Creative and Performing Artists in the Arts Industry.

Objectives of the union:

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